manual data entry

How Much Does Manual Data Entry Cost?

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Automate your data processing 10x faster with Fintelite

In today’s fast-paced business world, where technology is continuously advancing, many businesses have implemented sophisticated software that uses artificial intelligence to optimize their workflows. However, some businesses still rely on manual data entry. While manual processes might seem simple, they often have inefficiencies that lead to higher costs. In this article, we will explore how much manual data entry costs and how businesses might cut their expenses.

Manual Data Entry

Manual data entry  is the process of entering data into a system one by one at a time. Inputting data manually makes manual processes ineffective and time-consuming, especially when dealing with a large number of documents every day. Here’s how manual data entering typically works:

Key Factors Affecting the Cost of Manual Data Entry

There are many factors that contribute to the high costs of manual data entry, including:

1. Employee Costs

Manual data entry obviously demands many of the human resources because each document must be processed and entered into the system one by one. If the company has fewer employees, the operation will be delayed since manual data entry takes a long time. However, companies must cover not only employee salaries but also training costs in order for employees to become experienced and professional. Moreover, benefits and other associated costs add to the total expense of sustaining employee resources.

2. Technology and Infrastructure Costs

Even with manual data entry, companies still need technology, such as accounting platforms or software to store and manage the data being recorded. It requires a maintenance or renewal system, which is costly. Also, companies require computers and equipment that are compatible with these platforms in order to efficiently handle data.

3. Supply Costs

All companies require supplies for daily operations such as paper, printers, ink, stamps, and other materials, especially if they still rely on manual processes. They tend to use a large amount of paper, which can increase cost.

How to Reduce Manual Data Entry Costs

Switching to automation can help minimize the cost of manual data entry. Tools like Optical Character Recognition (OCR) help businesses increase productivity and cut expenses compared to manual processes. While there may be an initial setup cost to integrate automation into existing systems.

Fintelite OCR is one of the best tools for automating document processing. Here are some benefits of using OCR+ as an automation tool:

  1.  Faster and More Accurate Processing

Fintelite’s OCR+ technology processes documents at speeds up to 10 times faster than manual data entry, with an accuracy level of over 90%. This enables businesses to quickly transform physical documents into digital, editable, and searchable formats, making Fintelite one of the most effective automation solutions.

  1. Cost Savings

By automating data entry, businesses need fewer resources, as OCR+ can handle high document volumes in seconds. Fintelite also integrates with the accounting platform, making operations simpler and more efficient. So the staff will focus on other important tasks. Reducing the need for manual data entry staff results in significant cost savings.

Here is an overview comparison of manual processing vs automation with Fintelite

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That’s an explanation of how much manual data entry costs while processing documents in a business. Many businesses assume that automation is more expensive than manual entry, whereas in fact, manual processes can be much more expensive. Switching to automation is an ideal choice for businesses seeking to increase productivity, cut costs, and stay competitive in today’s market.

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